Sunday 22 April 2012

Becoming a marathon spectator.....

I'm watching London Marathon on the telly.

Nice way to spend a few Sunday morning lazy hours........although i made a promise to myself that i would only watch it if i got out for a run first (I went out last Sunday for 5k and another 5k on tuesday, i'm not very motivated at the mo').

Looking at the elites, i reckon the real drama is in the wheelchair race, i wish they'd spend more time concentrating on it, even to the point of running those races separately.   A commentator on the Paris marathon last week (yep this sunday morning telly watching is turing into a nice, but ironically unhealthy, habit); mentioned that the wheelchair race is more akin to cycling in the tactics and I'm really coming to appreciate his point.

Of the two London is closer to me than Paris, and although I love visiting London its Paris i'd like to do, assuming i do another few marathons.

Anyway this mornings was a fresh bright early summers day, perfect for running.    And the fact that i woke for a BG check at 4a.m. and couldnt go back asleep meant it wasnt too much of a stretch to hit the road at 7a.m......although now its kinda hard to keep the sleep at bay.....

8km - 45m25s, took the runners off for the last couple hundred metres - calves sore but prob due to lack of running over the last few weeks.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Why I run.....

I like sitting down more than I like running.......

I like sitting down after a run more than I like sitting down after not a run.....I find it hard to remind myself of this before stepping out the door.....

I like being on a run 10% of the time.......I hate being on a run 30% of the time.......I'm somewhere else 60% of the time......I like it there the most......

Friday 6 April 2012

Giving up on Kildare



I went out running for 5km last Saturday, hoping it would be a leg loosener for Sundays planned 25-26km.


The pain in the small of my back was still there (caused by trying to do some core exercises over the last few weeks).   But while running (and for a good while afterwards)the pain spread beyond my back, down my hamstring, and into my calf.


Running has become, if not quite impossible, very uncomfortable.   I missed my long run, and haven’t run since (a full week today).    Only today did walking downstairs not hurt, and i reckon i’ll do 5-6 miles over the weekend – but for now no marathon in kildare in May.   At this stage i might try Portumna in June, a 50km run on 12th June -


I cant say i’m overly disappointed – the training has been a real drag recently and probably the mental state didnt help…..